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Well Control & RigPass Training

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Certificate of completion

Receive a certificate of completion for all courses.
Available to print or email immediately after course completion.

simulator free

Online Web Simulator 

Get Well Control Simulators.
This is a great way to get hands-on practice and prepare for higher well control levels.  
Some courses offer it for free

video animations

300+ 3D, Downhole Animations

300+ Downhole and equipment animations to teach every important Well Control concept! Visualize complex effects, “play” with equipment, and learn through well control calculations and interactive lessons.

Free Training

Introduction to Drilling

Introduction to Well Servicing

Drilling Simulator

Well Control Simulator

IADC - Introductory Courses

IADC Rig Pass with SafeGulf

IADC Rig Pass con SafeGulf (Spanish)

IADC Well Control Awareness

IADC Drilling Well Control Introductory

IADC Well Servicing Well Control Introductory

IADC WellSharp Classroom Preparation Course

IWCF - Drilling Well Control

IWCF Drilling Well Control Level 2

IWCF Classroom Preparation Course

Fundamental Level Well Control

Drilling Operations 

Snubbing Fundamental


Wireline Well Control

Workover/Completions/Wireline/Coiled Tubing

Workover/Completions/Wireline/Coiled Tubing/Snubbing

Supervisory Level Well Control

Mini Courses

+ 20 courses

Well Control Simulator Courses

Kick Detection Simulator

Driller's Method Simulator (Surface Stack)

Driller's Method Simulator (Subsea Stack)

Wait & Weight Method Simulator (Surface Stack)

Wait & Weight Method Simulator (Subsea Stack)

Bullheading Simulator

Volumetric Method Simulator
Reverse Circulation Simulator

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Upcoming Drilling & Well Servicing simulators

Stuck Pipe Prevention & Fishing Simulator
Tripping Simulator
Unberbalanced Drilling Simulator
Managed Pressure Drilling Simulator
Drilling Human Factors Simulator
Coiled Tubing Operations Simulator
Wireline Operations Simulator
Snubbing Operations Simulator
Plug and Abandon Simulator
Drilling Operations
Coiled Tubing
Snubbing Supervisory
Wireline Well Control - Supervisory/Service Company Operator
Workover/Completions/Wireline/Coiled Tubing/Snubbing 
Drilling/Workover/Completions/Wireline/Coiled Tubing/Snubbing

What's the right well control course for me?

These IADC and IWCF courses are built for all levels of oil industry experience.


For non-technical individuals or people entering the drilling or well servicing world for the first time, the courses have prerequisite material sections that provide a basic introduction to oil and gas, an animated overview of fundamental Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment, and an explanation of fundamental math and science concepts, such as Density and Pressure.


For more experienced students, the powerful downhole animations and interactive explanations of concepts such as Formation Pressure and Gas Migration can provide a powerful refresher of important material and fundamental concepts. You can’t understand what is happening deep downhole unless you can visualize it!

How are these well control courses set up?

When building these courses, our goal was to make Well Control training as fun, interesting, and exciting as possible! With that goal in mind, we have put a tremendous amount of multimedia material into our courses. As a student, you will never just be reading or listening to text- this is definitely not a textbook!


Every single part of our courses is full of powerful graphics, informative animations, and real-life images from drilling rigs across the globe. After each lesson- and within many lessons- you will be asked to answer Well Control questions or do Well Control calculations focused on what you just learned. These Well Control exercises make learning a lot more interactive and fun

What is the LearnToDrill accreditation standard?

If you complete any of our online, Fundamental and Supervisory level Well Servicing courses (Wireline, Coiled Tubing, Snubbing, or Workover/Completions), you will receive a LearnToDrill certificate of accreditation. This certification meets all standards under the previously approved IADC Wellcap well control program. IADC no longer supports online delivery of the Fundamental and Supervisory courses.

How do LearnToDrill courses compare to competitor courses?

We consider our courses to be the best well control courses out there today! Powerful animations, well taught lessons, interactive and exciting learning… and you can get an IADC or IWCF certificate while lying on your couch. What are you waiting for?

Do you offer any discounts for multiple students?

Yes! We love giving discounts. Send us an email at to inquire about discounts. We give discounts for corporations, universities, if you get a friend to buy the course with you, and even if you post on social media about the course. Reach out! 

What is the validity of the courses?

All courses are valid on platform for 3 months from registration. If you want the course to be extended for you, write to and state your reason to get it extended any time for free

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