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IWCF Drilling Well Control – Level 2 

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Online IWCF Level 2 Training
Now you can get certified from home, Lowest cost!

The IWCF Level 2 Drilling Well Control course is designed for entry-level personnel, drilling crew members, and anyone looking to build a solid foundation in well control principles. 

  • 100% Online IWCF Training           

  • Free Hands-on Simulator Access            

  • Exam Support + Mock Question           

  • 2 Free Resits (In Case of Failure)           

  • Official IWCF Certificate

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What does this course offer


Certificate of completion

Receive a certificate of Course completion in Well Control.
Get IWCF certificate after exam

simulator free

Free Online Simulator 

Get Well Control Simulator for free.
This $400 simulator has been launched globally by Chevron, and it's a great way to get hands-on practice and prepare for higher well control levels.  

video animations

300+ 3D, Downhole Animations

300+ Downhole and equipment animations to teach every important Well Control concept! Visualize complex effects, “play” with equipment, and learn through well control calculations and interactive lessons.

Who needs to take the IWCF Level 2 course?

1) Roustabout

2) Roughneck

3) Derrickman

4) Operations Technician
5) Petroleum Engineer

6) Casing Technician

7) Completions Technician

8) Barge Engineer

9) Safety Officer

10) Drilling Fluid Engineer
11) Facilities Engineer

12) Marine Supervisor
13) Subsea Engineer
14) Subsea Supervisor

15) Well Maintenance & Testing Supervisor


We are accredited by IWCF >

IWCF Candidate registration form


Curriculum for the IWCF Level 2 course

Chapter 1 Prerequisite Material

1.1 Introduction To Drilling

A basic Introduction into the creation, exploration, and drilling of hydrocarbons. How are oil and gas formed? What are some of the techniques used to search for oil and gas? How is drilling a hole different from digging a hole?

1.2 Introduction to Offshore Drilling

1.3 Math

Provides links to valuable online Math resources to learn and refresh before you start the course.

1.4 Density

An explanation of Density. Examines density at the molecular level and introduces the equation for density. Looks at the consequences of density when different substances are mixed together, such as oil, water, and gas.

1.5 Pressure

Examines pressure through several different, real-life examples. Introduces students to pressure differentials and the concept of equilibrium; setting the stage for later discussion on pressure in the wellbore.

Chapter 2 Introduction to Equipment

2.1 Basic Drilling Equipment

Using animation, introduces students to the basic fundamentals of the drilling process. Introduces the drill bit, drill collar, drill pipe, and derrick. Then, introduces casing pipe and the cementing process. All concepts taught and explained to be accessible to students with no prior drilling knowledge.

2.2 Mud Circulating System

Using powerful animations, introduces students to rock cuttings and walks through the necessity for drilling mud circulation to remove the cuttings from the well. Uses surface and downhole animations to walk through the entire mud circulating system. Lastly, lets students visualize equipment involved in the mud cleaning process through animation of the internal workings of the Shale Shaker and Degasser.

2.3 Mud Circulation System- Subsea

2.4 Pipes & Manifolds

Uses the real-life example of a highway system to introduce valves and manifolds on a drilling rig. Walks through the definition, function, and importance of the pump, standpipe, and choke manifolds through vibrant animations. Introduces the adjustable choke and briefly goes into its importance in well control operations.

2.5 Workover & Completions

Offers an introduction into wireline, completions, and production operations. Introduces the importance of a Lubricator in effectively lowering wireline downhole. Uses animation to examine the role of a packer during the completions process. Lastly, takes a look at the importance of Test Trees and Christmas Trees in regulating well control after drilling operations have ended.

Chapter 3 Kick Theory

3.1 Blowouts

Defines the blowout and introduces the terrible consequences of an uncontrolled blowout on causing injury to personnel, loss of rig, and harm to the environment. Then, introduces the kick and examines how a kick is caused by pressure differentials and how a kick can turn into a blowout.

3.2 Introduction to Well Control

3.3 Formation Pressure

Offers a comprehensive look at Formation Pressure deep underground. First, introduces the concept of porosity- taking a look at formation rocks at a molecular level. Then, examines underground pressures both before and after drilling begins, taking a look at what pressures are removed during drilling operations. Lastly, examines the Formation Pressure Gradient and walks through how formation pressure can be mathematically calculated. Student must interact with and answer a question to complete lesson.

3.4 Hydrostatic Pressure

Examines the pressure exerted by a column of fluid, both in and out of the wellbore. Derives the generally accepted equation for hydrostatic pressure in a well and walks students through examples. Interactive, in-module questions require student to read, answer, and think about question while going through the lesson.

3.5 Pump Pressure

Introduces friction and examines how frictional losses act against any movement along a surface. Identifies Pump Pressure as the pressure needed to overcome the frictional losses throughout the entire system. Lastly, explains how Annular Friction Loss can contribute to bottomhole pressure.

3.6 Kick Theory

Puts together Formation Pressure and Bottomhole Pressure to examine exactly what causes a kick to occur.

3.7 U-Tube Effect

Uses animation to indicate the exact location of the U-Tube within the wellbore. Then, introduces the U-Tube effect with an example.


3.8 Lost Circulation & Fracturing

Explains the second part of Kick Theory; the consequences of letting Bottomhole Pressure become too much larger than Formation Pressure. Through animation, demonstrates how Lost Circulation can cause True Vertical Depth to fall and cause a kick to occur.



Surface Pressure

Explains the pressure felt on rig surface equipment and the consequences of exceeding the maximum surface pressure limits of well equipment. Creates an analogy to compare wellbore surface pressure with surface pressure felt on the cap of a shaken soda bottle.


Chapter 4 Fluids

4.1 Drilling Fluids

Explains the major differences and relative pros and cons of both oil based and water based drilling mud. Also, briefly explores synthetic oil based mud, cement slurry, and fluids used during the workover and completions process.

4.2 Mud Balance

Introduces the Mud Balance and Pressurized Mud Balance tests used to calculate the density of drilling mud in the rough field environment.


4.3 Formation Fluids

4.4 Gas Properties

Explains some of the most dangerous gases experienced during drilling operations, exploring the properties that make them dangerous to rig personnel. Explains the low density of gas and how it can lead to gas migration when mixed together with other liquids. Introduces Boyle’s Law and the concept of gas compressibility.

4.5 Gas Kick

In an interactive, engaging way uses the example of one gas kick to demonstrate the consequences of two different approaches to dealing with a gas kick: 1) Taking a very long time to respond to the gas kick and 2) Letting the gas kick migrate without expansion. At each stage of the kick’s movement upwards, the student must engage in many calculations.


Chapter 5 Blowout Prevention System

5.1 Introducing the BOP

Conceptually introduces the BOP stack and its importance in shutting-in the well to prevent kicked fluid from reaching the surface. The differences between annular and ram preventers are discussed, using 3D animations to visually demonstrate the unique attributes of each preventer. Ram elements are discussed as well as the role of the drilling spool.

5.2 Annular & Ram Preventers

5.3 Auxiliary BOP Equipment

5.4 BOP Control Systems

5.5 BOP Testing

5.6 Subsea BOP

Chapter 6 Well Control Equipment

6.1 Pressure Gauges

Introduces the pressure gauge, explaining how pressure gauges are used across the mud circulating system to measure different pressures on the surface. Specifically, examines the major pressure gauges and the pressures read during normal circulating operations. The Pump Pressure Gauge, Standpipe Pressure Gauge, Drillpipe Pressure Gauge, and Casing Pressure Gauge are all examined.

6.2 Fluid Recording

Explains the importance of fluid measurement in detecting problems in the wellbore. Introduces the Pit Level Indicator, used to measure the amount of fluid returning to the mud tanks, the Mud Return Indicator, used to measure the speed of fluid returning to the mud tanks, and the Mud Pump Stroke counter, used to count how many strokes of fluid have been pumped into the well.

6.3 Gas Control

Reiterates some of the challenges with adequately controlling gas in the well. Introduces the gas detector and its importance in detecting gaseous fluids that are invisible to the human eye. Delves into the Mud-Gas Separator, examining its limitations and the consequences of rupture and gas blow-through when its limitations may be exceeded.

6.4 Safety Valves

Explains the need to shut-in the drillpipe in addition the annulus. Introduces the Inside BOP, the Float Valve, and the Full Opening Safety Valve

6.5 Barriers

Chapter 7 Causes of Kicks

7.1 InsufficientHP

Establishes some of the different ways that hydrostatic pressure can become lower than formation pressure, causing a kick to occur. Specifically, discusses how tripping pipe out of the well can reduce Total Vertical Depth and how the mud cleaning process can sometimes remove barite and other weighting chemicals, reducing Mud Weight.

7.2 Swabbing

Uses powerful, downhole animation to let students visualize the suction effect of Swabbing and how it can pull formation fluid upwards into the well. Introduces Swab Pressure and explains how it acts against bottomhole pressure.

7.3 Surging

Uses powerful, downhole animation to let students visualize the water hammer effect of Surging and how it can create significant downward pressure that causes fracturing or lost circulation. Introduces Surge Pressure and explains how it acts against bottomhole pressure.


7.4 Abnormally Pressured Formation

Travels back in time to introduce how faults were formed and how they created underground, abnormal pressure zones. Gives students a strong visualization of what it really means for a formation to be abnormally pressured.


7.5 Annular Gas Flow

Introduces Annular Gas Flow, explains how it can take place, and lets students visualize the dangers it creates through animation.


7.6 Intentional Kicks

Explores several intentional kicks that create situations where formation fluid enters the wellbore. Explores the drill stem test and underbalanced drilling operations.

7.7 Causes of Kicks (Subsea)

Chapter 8 Kick Detection

8.1 Quick Response

Emphasizes the importance of responding to a kick as quickly as possible, highlighting the consequences of taking too long to respond.


8.2 Kick Indicators

Delves into the different indicators that a kick may have occurred. Introduces the Trip Tank and the role of careful trip tank monitoring in detecting a kick during tripping operations. Also, examines the Flow Check, examining the concept and procedures involved in Flow Checks during both drilling and tripping operations.


8.3 Kick Warning Signs

Introduces the warning signs that formation pressure is increasing or that we have entered an abnormally pressured formation. Examples include changes in the mud weight of returning drilling mud, increased drilling mud viscosity, and the generation of odd-shaped rock cuttings.


8.3 Subsea Kick Detection


Chapter 9 Drilling Procedures

9.1 Tripping

Introduces the Trip Sheet and its importance in monitoring the Trip Tank during tripping operations. Walks through a specific example of pipe being pulled out of the well and the details that would be recorded on a trip sheet.


9.2 Wireline & Casing


9.3 Shallow Gas Hazards

Explains how the hazards of a gas kick can be greatly exaggerated at shallow depths. Introduces the diverter, explaining how it can be used effectively in shallow well situations


9.4 Shut-in Concept

It provides a detailed, step-by-step conceptual understanding of the impact of well shut-in on underground pressures. Using the example of a bottle cap explains how shutting-in the well makes bottomhole pressure automatically equal to formation pressure.


9.5  Crew Drills


9.6 Top Hole Drilling

Chapter 10 Kick Procedures

10.1 Shut-in Concept

Provides a detailed, step-by-step conceptual understanding of the impact of well shut-in on underground pressures. Using the example of a bottle cap, explains how shutting-in the well makes bottomhole pressure automatically equal to formation pressure.


10.2 Abnormal Circulation


10.3 Shut-in Procedure and Verification

Defines the importance procedures involved in the well shut-in process, during both drilling and tripping operations. Also explains the importance and procedure involved in verifying that the well has successfully been shut-in.


10.4 Recording Parameters

Explains the three most important parameters that need to be recorded after shut-in: Shut in Drill pipe Pressure (SIDPP), Shut in Casing Pressure (SICP), and Estimated Pit Gain. Walks through the importance of SIDPP and SICP in understanding Formation Pressure and explains why SIDPP is generally lower than SICP.

Chapter 11 Kick Methods


11.1 Constant BHP Methods

Introduces, conceptually, the importance and power of constant bottom hole pressure well kill methods. Explains how maintaining constant bottomhole pressure can prevent additional kicks, lost circulation, and surface pressure problems. Explains how turning on the Pump can increase bottomhole pressure and risk a kick, while opening the adjustable choke can reduce pressure when needed.


11.2 Kill Sheet


11.3 Kill Methods

Explains the two major Kill Methods: Driller’s Method and the Wait and Weight Method- indicating the major differences, the pros and cons of each method, and the respective steps involved in properly executing each method.


11.4 Subsea Kill Methods


Chapter 12 Conclusion

12.1 Well Control Risks


12.2 Conclusion

Frequently asked questions

1) What is IWCF Level 2 certification?

IWCF Level 2 certification typically refers to a basic level of well control training for personnel involved in drilling operations. It covers fundamental well control principles and practices.

2) What topics are covered in IWCF Level 2 training?

The training typically covers fundamental concepts related to well control, including but not limited to kick detection, shut-in procedures, pressure control equipment, and wellbore stability.

3) Is there a validity period for IWCF Level 2 certification?

IWCF certifications often have a validity period, and individuals may need to undergo recertification after a certain period. The validity period can vary, and it's essential to check the specific details with IWCF or the training provider.

4) Can I take the IWCF Level 2 exam online?

The IWCF Level 2 course is available online, post training the IWCF recommends taking an in-person proctored course in your nearest center.

5) What are the prerequisites for IWCF Level 2 training?

Prerequisites can vary, but typically, individuals enrolling in IWCF Level 2 training should have a basic understanding of drilling operations. 


6) How do I renew or recertify my IWCF Level 2 certification?

Recertification can be taken with LearnToDrill upon losing/ or as instructed by your company

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