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Chevron – Well Control Simulator Refresher Training

Calling all Chevron employees, contractors, and vendors!

You have access to our Well Control Simulator for refresher in the field. Our simulator covers all IADC WellSharp simulations through an innovative virtual instructor – learn more about the simulator here. You can practice simulations before class and in the field, leading to higher pass rates and better well control preparedness.


Create an account using your Chevron email address and pay for heavily discounted access to the simulator using your Chevron credit account for reimbursement from your group. In case you get stuck, here are written steps and a video of how to register, and here is a video of how to use the simulator.


If you are a Chevron contractor or vendor and interested in getting discounted access for your employees, please fill out this form to get approved by Chevron. It will take 24 hours to get approved. Once approved, you will receive discounted prices and analytics.

drilling simulator
choke panel well control simulator

Feedback Form (Chevron Employees)

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